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Museum Archives and Exhibition Intern

Position Responsibilities

Specific responsibilities and tasks will be discussed in the interview and assigned to the selected intern based on the skills and interests of the intern as well as the needs of our Museum.

In general an intern can work in any of the following centers:

  • Resources, Research and Documentation Center
  • Audiovisual projects and documentation center
  • Publications, digital platforms, database and price archives
  • Testimonials and interactive exhibitions and displays


All of the work students do will be related to the history and future of Human Rights in Chile and globally.


About the Organization

The Museum of Memory and Human Rights was inaugurated on January 11, 2010. Its origin is found in the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Rettig Report, in the policies to support the construction of memorials of President Ricardo Lagos (“There is no tomorrow without yesterday”) and in the decision of President Michelle Bachelet to respond to the demands of family organizations and human rights defense organizations whose archives were declared “Memory of the World” by the UNESCO.The Churches and then the families of the victims created organizations and groups to defend human rights in Santiago and regions, which would wage a prolonged fight for truth and justice, relying only on their courage and the moral strength of their cause. After the end of the Dictatorship and the recovery of democracy, the country began a path seeking to establish the truth through investigative commissions, recognize and compensate the victims, do justice and build the memory of what happened, both to honor the victims to learn the lessons of this painful experience. The Museum of Memory and Human Rights is a project of moral reparation for the victims and proposes a reflection that transcends what happened in the past and that serves new generations to build a better future of unrestricted respect for life and dignity. of people. It was conceived as a place where testimonies and documents are preserved and exhibited that allow us to look at our painful past to learn from that experience with the purpose of contributing to the culture of human rights and democratic values ​​becoming the shared ethical foundation. of Chilean society, covering a look at our recent history but also addressing contingent issues such as violence, discrimination, the rights of indigenous peoples, among others.


On-site Supervision and Support

Our internships include 24/7 on-site staff to support students working and living abroad. All students will also report to a supervisor at their internship site. Supervisors provide and oversee daily tasks, introduce the intern to team members, and mentor the intern in organizational agility, skill acquisition, and career readiness. Interns complete a midpoint and final evaluation, and supervisors complete a final evaluation of their interns. All work responsibilities and projects are approved in advance. 

Academic Credit

Students on an internship have the opportunity to enroll in their home university for credit, or enroll in a course through API to transfer back to their university for credit. Email for more information and a syllabus.


Housing and Excursions

Housing and excursions are included in your internship and will be selectable during the application process.