You're typically extended a full-time offer to come back the following summer and hold an Analyst position for 6-8 months while you learn more about your team and the portfolio, then you get promoted to a PMOI (Portfolio Management Officer I) where you will be assigned a set of clients to help ou...
Career Progression
Bank of America
This position does not exist within the organization anymore. I was a "pilot" person with LaSalle Bank. Once Bank of America merged with LaSalle, this title and role went away. However, within the time of the role. The customers appreciated having a consistent/capable backup person to run their f...
Company Mission
Bank of America
Merrill Lynch
Assistant Branch Manager
You usually have about 6-10 small projects on the docket at a given time. Only 1-2 of these will be new designs, the rest are usually changes the client is requesting. Its pretty chill in the office, very quiet though. You can come and go as you please and there isn't a super hard start time. The...
Day in the Life
Bank of America
Digital Art Director