Rocket Companies

Mortgage Operations Intern

May - August 2019 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I loved the atmosphere. Everyone always had a smile on their face.

What I wish was different


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Student Athlete Intern

July 2019 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I enjoyed the fast paced atmosphere and working in downtown of a big city. Also the inclusive environment that included team orientated tasks.

What I wish was different

A little bit more variety of work and a longer internship.


Gave a glimpse into everyday work life and the grind in showing up everyday ready and prepared to complete tasks.
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Capital Markets Intern

May - August 2019 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

Very friendly people. Great environment. Felt like I was contributing. Lots of meaningful and they allow interns to explore other business areas within the company.

What I wish was different


Explore other business areas. There are lots of networking opportunities so take advantage of it all.
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Capital Markets Intern

June - August 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

The Culture was amazing and the quality of experience was nice.

What I wish was different

The recruitment process wasn't the greatest for a returning intern.


Keep your network up. If I didn't have a strong network in and out of the company my summer really could've been unproductive. Also, invest in yourself and make sure you're the best option for them. If you have a strong connection group, but can't produce, then you won't make it far.
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Mortgage Banking Sales Intern

May - August 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

Was a great opportunity to grow professionally. Overall positive experience

What I wish was different

I wish that I was able to take advantage of more opportunity they had available


Take advantage of every opportunity. The internship was very involved but make time to do more.
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Account Executive Intern (PR and Marketing)

May - July 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I like the opportunity to network with people through the company and to gain more experience

What I wish was different



network with people throughout the company. Once they build a relationship with you and tell others about you in the company you increase your chance of getting your foot in the door for employment
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Mortgage Operations Intern

May 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I liked the experience gained at Quicken Loans. At the company, they treat interns just as they would team members, being involved with many high level projects and meetings. The internship is truly what you make of it, and you are allowed to utilize the tools offered to team members in any way that you would like to put your own ideas into action. Quicken Loans loves fresh eyes and is open to any sort of feedback that interns have to offer about the company or their processes.

What I wish was different

I do wish that interns were paid slightly higher and offered a small bank of PTO for those interns that are with the company for more than one or two intern seasons.


Interact. Make your mark wherever you can and do not be afraid to network and get your name out there by assisting with any tasks asked of you by your leader. This will get you noticed and increase your chances to gain a full time job with the company.
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Mortgage Development Banking Intern

May - August 2018 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

Was able to shadow different departments, learned about the mortgage process, traveled to Detroit

What I wish was different

To have been able to work more with clients


To take advantage of shadowing different departments and ask questions!
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Business consultant

January - September 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

What I liked about being a business consultant intern is that I was able to have my own project and gain real life experience. I did a project where I had to go undercover in the banking area as a mortgage banker and identify ways to improve their process.

What I wish was different

There’s is nothing that I wish was different. It was a great experience.


If you have the opportunity to work at Quicken Loans, take advance of every opportunity you can. Make sure to network because you can meet a lot of amazing people that can teach you so much.
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Mortgage Operations Intern

June - August 2018 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

i loved the environment that i worked in and how helpful everyone was. Quicken Loans was amazing

What I wish was different

I wished that I had more things to do. The day can be a drag if I did not have a project to do


Enjoy your internship experience and do your best, because it could lead to a future job after college
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Business Consultant

May 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

Very independent and able to take ownership of own work.

What I wish was different

Seems very fake as far as internships go. It's like they are putting on a show for interns and it's not really what work should be about.


Take full advantage of learning the business. Shadow every area and make it known what your goals are.
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May - August 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I learned a lot about my field and got to participate in projects that moved the business forward. Great team culture. They really care about the interns and it shows through all the events they put on.

What I wish was different

I would have liked to have been more on top of shadowing and gotten to learn more about the other areas of the business.


Always ask what you can do to help and what others can teach you.
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Legal Team Intern

May - August 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I loved the team I worked on, everyone was so kind and wanted you to succeed.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to shadow other teams and see what their jobs entailed.


Take advantage of the opportunity to network with everyone you encounter.
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Mortgage Banking Sales Development Intern

May - August 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I truly enjoyed everything about working at Quicken this summer. They have an amazing internship program where I was able to perform meaningful daily work that actually contributed to company revenue. I gained a unmeasurable amount of development of my professional and sales skills. I was able to network with high level professionals and learn from them. This internship has fully prepared me to start my career here. I truly enjoyed the amazing culture at Quicken and cannot wait to return.

What I wish was different

The internship at QL was so great that my only complaint is that I wish I had more time to do more here.


My advice would be to truly buy into the process and culture here. I tried for the first month of my internship to resist this but this is truly an amazing environment to be in that allows for major positive development both professionally and personally. Quicken Loans provides amazing training that I am so grateful for and is a place with amazing resources if you take advantage of them.
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Administrative Assistant Intern

May - August 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

Learned a lot on excel

What I wish was different

More structure and more to do


Do your best to network with people at Quicken and the FoC
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Inventory Intern

May - August 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

The atmosphere, the people

What I wish was different

More computer work, like forecasting through excel projects.


This is a warehousing job, and you need to dress appropriately, while there still is office work as well
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Instructional Design Intern

May - August 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

During my internship, I was pushed out of my comfort zone. I was able to network and gain experience in a variety of different facets of the company.

What I wish was different

Honestly, I would not have changed anything about my experience.


For future interns, make sure that you be your own advocate. Your experience is all that you make of it so make yourself useful. Volunteer yourself for jobs or projects you wouldn't normally do. Lead team bondings, help other team members, and shadow other team members in different business areas.
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Purchase Communications Intern

May - August 2017 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I loved being able to attend all meetings with my leader and really get an inside look at what was going on. I loved that I was encouraged to speak up at any time with any ideas or input I may have. Quicken also did a great job of giving the interns a sense of community and planned lots of intern events which was great.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to work on more projects. I enjoyed the projects I was assigned but I feel like I could have done more.


Never hesitate to ask for something to do. Don't ever let yourself be bored, speak up.
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Mortgage Banking Intern

May - August 2017 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

The autonomy . The culture was great, but it is not for everyone.

What I wish was different

I wish there would have been more structure. I was asked to complete very minute tasks and I was upset on a daily basis.


If you want to sit around and do nothing, Quicken Loans is the place for you.
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Process Analyst Intern

May - August 2017 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

Lots of opportunity and a great learning experience.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time there to see some projects to completion.


Take all of the shadow and other opportunities you’re given- they’re very helpful!
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