The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Software Development Intern

January - April 2020 • Riverton, UT

What I liked

I got great hands-on experience. I feel much better prepared to enter the workforce.

What I wish was different

I wish my manager would have been more interested in my work and given me feedback on how to improve.


Do an internship! It's a great place to learn about the field, get experience, and talk to current employees.
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Landscape Intern

April - August 2020 • Nauvoo, IL

What I liked

I loved being able to experience various things within my major that I hadn't been exposed to before. Instead of just focusing on design or greenhouse work, we were able to learn about effective maintenance and irrigation.

What I wish was different

I wish I could've been there longer! (Due to family events, I came home when the 10 weeks were up).


My advice would be to seize every opportunity that comes your way, regardless of whether you enjoy the experience or not.
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Product Management Intern

September - December 2020 • Riverton, UT

What I liked

The HR was very understanding in allowing me to work 2 weeks after I had a baby. I like that the team I work are very knowledgeable and understanding. They are not intimidating and help me in my learning and growing in the organization. I love there is gospel learning including having a prayer in the beginning of the day. I think it helps me have the spirit and be efficient.

What I wish was different


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Construction Management Field Engineer

March - December 2020 • Laie, HI

What I liked

Great People, Awesome inside look at how construction management works from both the owners perspective and the GC perspective.

What I wish was different



Having a strong construction background, even as a laborer can turn into a big plus. This would be a challenge if it is your first experience in construction.
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Computer rollout speacialst

January - July 2020 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

Great people great work They right amount of supervision for most tasks Team listened to my ideas Very flexible schedule Great co workers

What I wish was different

More access to other systems that I could have helped with Faster access to ticketing system No COVID


Take the initiative as much as possible
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Software Quality Assurance Intern

May - August 2020 • Riverton, UT

What I liked

Being a QA engineer at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was a great experience. The environment is great, the people are very professional and friendly.

What I wish was different

I wish that I did not have to work remotely because of COVID-19


Try to learn as much as you can, internships are what you make them. They can be great learning experiences if you put in the effort.
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August 2020 • Vernal, UT

What I liked

The Spirit that was present.

What I wish was different

More structure.


Give everything your all.
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Software Engineering Intern

April - August 2020 • Riverton, UT

What I liked

Friendly co-workers I worked on important parts of the software

What I wish was different

More to do on some of the slow days


Make sure you ask for help, don't be afraid to have more than just your mentor help you
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July 2017 • Quetzaltenango, Quetzaltenango Department

What I liked

I loved being able to serve others from a different culture and help them understand what is most important to me.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had been able to stay longer.


That anyone who is considering this type of experience, don’t hesitate unless for other big life choices. If you have the means and you can, it is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have.
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October 2018 - May 2019 • Lima, Lima Province

What I liked

It was a wonderful experience; I exposed myself to a completely new culture and made several friends. Plus the food was amazing. I got to serve those around me and put my full effort and attention into others.

What I wish was different

I wish the climate was a little more like home. The climate in Peru can be very overcast and cloudy and without the sunlight it can get pretty depressing.


Just give it your all, do everything you can to serve those around you, and learn to rely on your friends.
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February 2018 - August 2019 • Macon, GA

What I liked

I loved being able to serve those around me, and to focus on the important little things in my life.

What I wish was different

Nothing, I've very greatfull for the opportunity I had to serve


It's definitly not for everyone, but if you have desires to serve god, yes are called to the work. Keep your head up and keep moving forward. Be positive and enjoy the little things.
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Seminary Student Teacher

April 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Teaching the gospel and working with the kids is amazing!!

What I wish was different

I wish I had chosen a major that goes along with education. They don't require any specific degree.


If you like teenagers and you like teaching the gospel then you should try teaching Seminary! But be aware, it is very competitive and difficult to get into. Just hang in there!
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January 2018 - June 2019 • Tucson, AZ

What I liked

I liked going a teaching those around me, talking to so many different people and hearing there experiences.

What I wish was different

My attitude at the beginning.


The world is not always about coming out on top but helping others come out on top.
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September - December 2018 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

I loved working with my supervisor and Family History Department engineering and product management teams. Teams’ atmosphere and environment are productive and funny.

What I wish was different



Get out of your comfort zone and place yourself in midst of gaining profound experience so you can know yourself better.
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Temple Facilites assistant

May - September 2019 • South Jordan, UT

What I liked

I loved working with the patrons to help them have a better worship experience.

What I wish was different


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June 2017 • Riverside, CA

What I liked

Helping people Changing Teaching

What I wish was different

Pursued Christlike attributes much sooner


Try to become like Christ as teaching and everything else will flow naturally
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Grounds Caretaker

July - August 2019 • Portland, OR

What I liked

I loved working on the Temple Grounds. I had the oportunity to work with contractors with grading, paving, concrete work and repaving portions of the road. I mostly worked irrigation.

What I wish was different

I wish I focused a little more on understanding the relationship between the Contractors and the church.


Get a big shade hat.
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Communications Intern

September - December 2019 • Auckland, Auckland Region

What I liked

I like being able to write and edit things.

What I wish was different

I wish I had a car so I could get around and travel a bit.


Live close to the office so you can get places more easily.
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Computer Network Analyst Intern

April 2019 • Riverton, UT

What I liked

Nice work accommodations, desk, laptop, work cafeteria, access to new tools. Great experience gained.

What I wish was different

Better project / work assignment and closer mentoring. Being integrated to the team took a lot of personal efforts, and finding relevant projects and work available to me was tricky and sparse at times.


Thoroughly understand and acquaint yourself with your team and the adjacent teams working on similar projects. Familiarize yourself with all the people in the department, it's not realistic to rely on your mentor to be your one source of communication to your team.
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March 2018 - September 2019 • Lisbon, Lisboa Region

What I liked

I loved being able to serve people, and learn about their stories and lives, and how to help them.

What I wish was different

Nothing! It was an amazing experience!


Bring good shoes, some for warm weather, and some for the rain. Also would reccomend a good raincoat!
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