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Social work intern in hospice setting

Engage with patients/families as a volunteer visitor

Opportunity to review patients case files

Engage with patients as a facilitator for group activities once a


Potential to follow social workers in the field (per their scheduling)

Opportunity to talk with field social workers in round table


Take part in the bereavement program

Making 6 and/or 11 month phone calls to bereaved family and


Developing client files and care plans

Developing resources for clients

Help with monthly mailings to clients

Help with holiday mailings

Help with Memorial development

Take part in the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation

Learn about how the foundation works

Who the foundation supports

Learn about how grant funding works

Participate in planning the annual fundraiser to support the


Develop further ideas on how to support the foundation

Participate in Interdisciplinary meetings (Wednesday Students)

Opportunity for special project development surrounding macro

and interpersonal practice

Inter-office filing

General office tasks

Develop consent packs for patients and families coming on to
