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Teaching Assistant - Wellness and Health Promotion (WHP) 4030 - FA24/WI25

Course Description

A teaching assistant is needed for Wellness and Health Promotion (WHP) 4030: Assessment and Interventions in Wellness Laboratory for Fall 2024 (two sections). The course prepares students for the rigors of implementing health risk appraisals and assessment techniques. Design of intervention strategies for lifestyle and health enhancement and disease prevention also are covered. The course is required for WHP majors. In the fall semester, the course is offered on Thursdays from 9:00 am to 12:20 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:20 pm.   


The lab assistant will be expected to prepare for labs by reading the weekly assignments and watching the pre-recorded lecture videos, help set up labs, and monitor and assist students with conducting a variety of health and fitness assessment techniques, including, but not limited to, heart rate, blood pressure, body composition, flexibility, muscular fitness, cardiovascular fitness, wellness, and health risk. The teaching assistant will also be expected to assist with grading class assignments. The expected workload for the teaching assistant is 5-20 hours each week and the hourly rate is $15 per hour.


A required qualification of the teaching assistant is that they have had a university course in which they have learned most of the previously mentioned assessment techniques. A preferred qualification is that the lab assistant holds a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in wellness and health promotion, exercise science, or a related field.