Internship- Visitor Services Intern
Position Summary
Position is representing Gates of the Arctic NP&P and located at the Arctic Interagency Visitor Center (AIVC) in Coldfoot, AK - 60 miles north of the arctic circle in the Brooks Range mountains, surrounded by public lands managed by Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, & US Fish & Wildlife Service.
May 11, 2025 - August 30, 2025
Key Duties and Responsibilities
Intern will assist with front desk operation; Meeting and greeting visitors, attending to general & specific needs related to services, recreational opportunities, backcountry travel, and offering general & detailed information & interpretation of arctic flora / fauna / environment / culture as needed. Intern will develop one 20-30 min formal interpretive presentation on an arctic topic and become proficient in presenting it to the public. Intern will also help co-workers with joint interpretive projects on site and assist with general tasks in the Center such as routine stocking of brochures, bookstore inventory, sharing facility cleaning duties, printing or copying handout materials, and periodic administrative reporting.
Training: Intern will be provided orientation to missions and management policies of Gates of the Arctic NP&P, BLM managed Dalton Highway Utility Corridor, and the Arctic, Yukon Flats, and Kanuti National Wildlife Refuges. Additionally; interpretive skills training, bear safety, 1st Aid/CPR, preparation to provide wilderness backcountry & LNT orientations to BC travelers, and field trip north to Deadhorse near the Arctic Ocean (weather dependent), or at minimum to the northern arctic tundra slopes of the Brooks Range at Galbraith lake for an overnight camping, birding, familiarization trip. Possible pre-season over-flight opportunity of the Brooks Range / GAAR, and site visit to the Toolik Lake research facility.
Marginal Duties
Potential during the season for participating in field studies with Interagency research staff, field trips to north slope, and hiking opportunities.
Required Qualifications
Ability to pass a background needed for government computer use.
This is a remote location far from the nearest stores, but in an area which does have cell service & limited service facilities (restaurant, gas pumps, motel). Ability to adapt to amazing scenery without many services is essential! - as well as pre-planning & preparation to purchase supplies in Fairbanks to last at least 3 weeks before traveling north to the site. Resupply trips are scheduled as needed. Access to shower / laundry / running water is available at AIVC 24/7.
This SCA Position is authorized under the Public Land Corps Authority. All participants must be between the ages of 16 and 30, inclusive, or veterans age 35 or younger. Participants must also be a citizen or national of the United States or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States. Hours served can be applied toward the Public Land Corps (PLC) hiring authority.
Preferred Qualifications
An interest in public lands, wilderness conservation, and the arctic. Comfortable living & working in a remote location. Basic computer skills (word processing, PowerPoint, etc.). Basic public service skills: good verbal communication & comfortable with public speaking are a plus!
40 per week
Living Accommodations
Housing is provided in the form of a rustic and cozy private cabin located approx. 1/2 mile from AIVC worksite. It is within walking distance, but a bicycle is also provided for intern use. Cabin is “dry” meaning it has no running water, an outhouse, and only very limited power from solar / batteries sufficient for recharging electronics and similar needs. Cabin is equipped with gas cook stove, refrigerator, and heat, dishes/pots/pans/silverware, pillows / blankets. Running water, shower, & laundry facilities are all available for use 24/7 at AIVC.
$450/week living allowance
$1,500 one-time travel stipend
All allowances are subject to applicable federal, state, and local taxes.
Personal Vehicle Information
Not needed
Additional Benefits
AmeriCorps: Eligible/Optional
Equal Opportunity Statement
SCA strives to cultivate a work environment that encourages fairness, teamwork, and respect among all staff members. SCA is committed to maintaining a work atmosphere in which people of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles may grow personally and professionally. The Student Conservation Association, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
Physical requirements and working conditions specific to the position are available in the full job description.