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College Co-op Wastewater Engineering Project Planning/Gis


Utilization of geographical information systems to take large datasets and transform them into meaningful and insightful information for the purposes of planning and engineering, both for local and regional applications for water conveyance.


 Use *ArcMap to create mapping layers related to hydrology and geology, and if time allows, learn to use various hydraulic and hydrology modeling tools that will utilize the information created from the hydrology mapping effort. This information can then be used by engineers and planners at MSD to identify solutions in project development that are based on better assumptions.


*Please note: due to the complexity of functions and sheer number of legacy layers, MSD uses an older version of ArcMap, currently 10.8, or similar for most users.     


Regional hydrology information such as drainage basins, storage volumes, sump identification, runoff coefficients, slope, infiltration rates, and other such data are desired to be created and checked for quality.  A regional mapping layer that compiles geological bore information is also a goal.   Work will require figuring out the limits of the computer workstation, and how to divide and conquer large datasets, then compile it all back together. The layers are intended to cover wide regions or the entirety of Hamilton County and will utilize some of the specialized tools and licensures in ArcMap. If time allows, the work will provide an opportunity to learn various hydraulic and hydrology modeling tools that will utilize the information created from the hydrology mapping effort. 


The co-op is expected to learn how to use advanced tools in ArcMap to create geodatabases, networks, triangular networks, raster files, and other associated mapping files that are accurate, stable, and correctly referenced, spatially.  The co-op is expected to be self-sufficient in learning how to troubleshoot problems in ArcMap when issues arise while trying to crunch data.  The co-op is expected to manage time and be constantly productive, working on other tasks while waiting on processes to finish in ArcMap (there may be times when it takes ArcMap over a day to perform one task).  The co-op is expected to have patience and a persevering spirit, as required when learning how to deal with regional datasets in mapping software.  Finally, data entry and review are often critical parts of the work.


Co-op to deliver:

-ArcMap layers with very minimal error rates.

-Documentation of methodology, how layers were created, information sources, noting critical steps and assumptions made during the process.

-Documentation of how quality assurance was implemented for each layer and any concerns or ranges of expected error.

-If time allows, hydraulic and hydrology models, and the assumptions and quality assurances associated with the work.

-If time allows, a report on the conclusions of analysis for a region, derived from hydraulic and hydrology models.  


MSD to provide:


-ArcMap licenses and tools, 

-IT support services, 

-Mapping base files,

-Hydraulic and hydrology modeling software tools, 

-Oversight, guidance, and feedback from licensed engineers.



Orientation                                                        (week #1)


Needs Assessment                                           (week #2)


Begin Project Work                                           (weeks #1 - 3)

  • Project Manager and co-op will work together to define project goals, expectations, and timelines.  Work will begin on initial map layers.


Continuation of Project Work                             (weeks #4 - 14)

  • Develop plans on what steps and tools will be required for regional dataset goals (some goals require utilizing many tools and steps to achieve the desired output).
  • Crunch the data to create maps, work through problems and limitations of ArcMap, correct problems with data quality.
  • Perform mid-term review of project schedule midway of the spring semester. Make necessary adjustments to meet project objectives and project manager’s expectations.


Prepare Final Documentation and Report Out      (weeks #15 - 16)

  • Conclude layers and analysis, where possible.
  • Provide documentation and discuss with necessary parties to enable continuation of unfinished work.
  • Summarize and evaluate lessons learned.


The applicant must currently be a college student 



  • Completion of college coursework and a minimum of a B average in Calculus I and Physics I.
  • Experience, either with classes or jobs, creating map layers with a GIS mapping system.
  • Completion of at least one of the following college courses (with a minimum B average): hydrology, hydraulics, fluid mechanics, water treatment, groundwater, geomorphology.
  • Attention to detail (which begins with the application and resume submitted to MSD).
  • Resourcefulness, patience, perseverance, and some creativity.

Desired, but not required: 

  • Completion and minimum of a B average in Calculus II and Physics II.

Experience with ArcMap version 10 and advanced ArcMap tools.

Experience with hydrology and hydraulic modeling software.

  • Experience writing code and scripts to run routines in ArcMap.


HR Contact: Jerrold Ware,