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Residence Life Association Executive Board Member 2025-2026


The Residence Life Association (RLA) is the governing body of housing at OU. RLA members advocate for important issues within University Housing. They review policies, host programs, and discuss any concerns from residential students.


  • Must have sophomore, junior, or senior class standing or be a graduate student at Oakland University by fall 2025
  • Current cumulative and semester GPA must be 2.5 or higher
  • Must not be found responsible for serious conduct violations
  • Must live on-campus for the duration of the 2025-2026 academic year


All Executive Board Members are expected to:

  • Address any duties deemed necessary by RLA or the Adviser(s).
  • Act in accordance with the Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Goals, and Nondiscrimination Clause of RLA.
  • Serve 10 hours per week conducting positional responsibilities:
    • 5 hours per week shall be dedicated to administrative tasks within the office assigned to RLA, unless otherwise allowed by the Adviser(s).
    • 5 hours per week shall be dedicated to the execution of events, participation in initiatives, conference attendance, and other RLA-sponsored activities.
  • Be in attendance at all GLACURH and NACURH conferences during the term of office, unless otherwise allowed by the Adviser(s).
  • Meet at least bi-weekly with the Adviser(s).
  • Be professional and timely within all communication formats.
  • Actively participate in a transition process at the end of the term of office in coordination with the Adviser(s).
  • Maintain positional documents within the appropriate physical and digital formats.


  • Serve as the official representative of the Residence Life Association to Affiliated Organizations, University Housing leadership, and Oakland University organizations.
  • Chair all RLA Executive Board and General Body Meetings, and set all accompanying agendas.
  • Handle all matters pertaining to the general welfare of RLA unless delegated to another position.
  • Call and attend meetings with Affiliated Organizations and other individuals as deemed appropriate/necessary.
  • Act as the Communications Coordinator, serving as the delegation chair for conferences hosted by the GLACURH and NACURH.
    • Notify RLA of any important updates or opportunities occurring within NACURH and GLACURH.
    • Attend and vote at GLACURH and NACURH conference boardroom meetings.
    • Coordinate all aspects of forming and sending a delegation to conferences including recruitment, funding, spirit, and other activities.
    • Coordinate Oakland University’s affiliation with NACURH each year with the assistance of the Advisor(s).
  • Serves as the parliamentarian for General Body Meetings.
  • Create new ad-hoc committees to support the Mission, Values, and Goals of RLA as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
  • Holds editing power to correct negligible spelling, grammatical, typographical, and formatting errors in regards to the RLA Constitution.

Coordinating Officer of Logistics and Operations (COLO)

  • Assume the responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President.
  • Maintain the records of RLA including, but not limited to: meeting minutes, attendance reports, and initiative planning and execution materials.
    • Be responsible for the dissemination of General Body Meeting minutes to attendees within one business day.
    • Be responsible for the communication of absences of Voting Members to the President and designated professional staff members.
  • Prepare budget reports (weekly, semester, monthly and/or annually) for RLA, sharing these reports at the weekly RLA Executive Board and General Body Meetings
    • Present and have the semesterly RLA budget approved by the Voting Members within the first two months of each Fall and Winter semester.
  • Work with the RLA Advisor(s) to coordinate the budget, all expenditures, and allocation of funds, including managing the Funding Requests process.
  • Maintain an inventory of RLA supplies, materials, and equipment.
    • Work with the other Executive Board Officers to maintain an updated shopping list for RLA initiatives.
    • Manage the Equipment Requests process, ensuring that equipment conditions are good and that equipment is loaned to and returned by individuals within reasonable time frames.
  • Shall be the primary executor of the RLA email account.

Coordinating Officer of Belonging and Acceptance (COBA)

  • All monthly ad-hoc programming efforts and initiatives shall be planned and executed equally between the COBA and the CORE.
    • At least two initiatives and events each semester shall be after 7:00 PM and/or on a Saturday or Sunday.
  • Survey resident opinions and feedback on what programming interests exist from University Housing. Provide at least one initiative per Fall and Winter semester in response to surveyed feedback.
  • Keep an updated calendar of all initiatives led by RLA on the organizational Google calendar and office calendar.
  • Lead, in conjunction with the CORE, scheduling and organizing of work shifts amongst Executive Board Officers.
  • Lead programming initiatives related to the following topics including, but not limited to:
    • African American Heritage Celebration Month
    • Pride Month
    • Hispanic Heritage Celebration Month
    • Intercultural Exploration
    • Gender Inclusivity
    • Health Awareness Recognition
    • End of the Year Ceremony (or equivalent)
  • Meet one-on-one, on a weekly basis, with the CORE to discuss, plan, and execute programming initiatives.
  • Create and disseminate marketing materials for programming initiatives throughout University Housing operated residential facilities.
  • Co-chair the Programming Committee alongside the CORE.

Coordinating Officer of Residential Engagement (CORE)

  • All monthly ad-hoc programming efforts and initiatives shall be planned and executed equally between the CORE and the COBA.
    • At least two initiatives and events each semester shall be after 7:00 PM and/or on a Saturday or Sunday.
  • Survey resident opinions and feedback on what programming interests exist from University Housing. Provide at least one initiative per Fall and Winter semester in response to surveyed feedback.
  • Keep an updated calendar of all initiatives led by RLA on the organizational Google calendar and office calendar.
  • Lead, in conjunction with the COBA, scheduling and organizing of work shifts amongst Executive Board Officers.
  • Lead programming initiatives related to the following topics including, but not limited to:
    • Grizz Games
    • Grizzly Greet Week
    • Halloweek
    • Sibs Day
    • I <3 OU (I Heart OU) Week
    • End of the Year Ceremony (or equivalent)
  • Coordinate support from RLA to larger University Housing programming initiatives such as Midnight Block Party and Casino Night.
  • Meet one-on-one, on a weekly basis, with the COBA to discuss, plan, and execute programming initiatives.
  • Create and disseminate marketing materials for programming initiatives throughout University Housing operated residential facilities.
  • Co-chair the Programming Committee alongside the COBA

Coordinating Officer of Sustainability Initiatives (COSI) [2 Positions]

  • Lead programming initiatives related to sustainability, including but not limited to:
    • Green Week
    • October Sustainability Month
    • Monthly initiatives
  • Oversee the creation and updating of residential community bulletin boards for sustainability
  • Manage and facilitate the weekly recycling relocation and pickup for each residential community, including working with Resident Assistants for clean-up and notifying Advisors and professional staff of any needs or changes.
  • Keep an updated calendar of all initiatives led by RLA on the organizational Google calendar and office calendar.
  • Creating a semesterly newsletter that updates the residential community regarding sustainability measures and practices.
  • Coordinates with the COBA and CORE to ensure that RLA initiatives are aligned with sustainability goals.
  • Work on at least one project per semester that actively implements positive change on campus and/or within University Housing
  • Oversee the maintenance of the Programming Resource Center (PRC), including working with Resident Assistants in each residential community for clean-up and notifying Advisors of any supply or material restocking needs.
  • Meet one-on-one, on a weekly basis, with the other COSI to discuss, plan, and execute sustainability initiatives and positional responsibilities.


  • Resume


  • $15/hour | 10 hours/week

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