Planning Intern
The Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois, population 56,852, is located along Metra’s Union Pacific Northwest Line, 22 miles from downtown Chicago and five miles north of O’Hare International Airport. The Economic Development and Planning & Zoning Division of the Community Development Department is seeking to hire an intern for the summer of 2025.
General Responsibilities: Perform development plan reviews, field inspections, zoning case reviews, business license assistance, research on industry best practices and current trends, general office work including assisting the public with answering zoning questions, code interpretations, Village policies and proper processing of applications for entitlements, and other tasks essential to day-to-day operations. Long range planning responsibilities may include assisting staff with the Comprehensive Plan Update, creating graphics and maps, and preparing reports that will inform the plan. Other long-range planning responsibilities may include implementation of the 2020 Connect South Mount Prospect Sub Area Plan and the Aging In Community Action Plan, and preparation of the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan. Economic development activities may include drafting reports and marketing efforts for the Village, updating property availability listings, and researching social media best practices. Applicants should expect to participate in community meeting preparation, facilitation, outreach, and will have the opportunity to present staff’s recommendations at monthly Planning & Zoning Commission hearings. Applicants should expect to learn what it is like to work in a local government setting as a municipal planner.
Pay Rate: $18 per hour
Start Date: May 2025
End Date: August 2025
Minimum Qualifications: Current or recent participation in an undergraduate or graduate degree program in urban planning, geography, or a related field is preferred. Applicants should possess strong verbal and writing skills, excellent customer service skills, and demonstrate multi-tasking skills. Familiarity with GIS and the Adobe suite (Illustrator and InDesign) is a plus.
The position lasts for approximately three months and requires a valid driver’s license. 37.5-hour workweek - typically between 8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M Monday-Friday, with the opportunity to attend monthly public hearings.
To Apply: Visit Position open until filled.
The Village of Mount Prospect is an Equal Opportunity Employer and strives to be a welcoming and inclusive place for all. People of diverse backgrounds, veterans and those with disabilities are encouraged to apply.