Johnson & Johnson

Technology Co-Op

June - December 2023 • Raritan, NJ

What I liked

The people were amazing! Johnson & Johnson really is a people company, everyone was so welcoming and accommodating, feel free to reach out to anyone about anything because the employees and interns are all super friendly! All of the intern events allowed us to all be really close, all of the interns/co-ops sat together every lunch throughout the whole summer!

What I wish was different

Across the board, many people had so much free time and/or work that was busy work; if you want to use your technical skills, you are going to have to ask around and reach out to different sectors in order to meet with people and ask for stretch assignments. Personally, my team really did not need interns and gave us minimal work, so most of my internship I reached out to other teams (XR/AR/VR team, ML/AI team, Data Science team, Commercial Tech) to get stretch assignments from them because there were many slow days where I would just be joining meetings and that was it.


This internship is what you make of it, so genuinely do not be too stressed about not meeting expectations, the company is honestly a big family and communication is everything. My mentor helped me so much with finding more stretch assignments and people to talk to, so definitely take advantage of the people you are going to meet who are willing to help you! Ask them for recommendations of who to set 1:1's with-- broaden your network! If you're shy, break out of your comfort zone and reach out. We're all just people!
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Supply Chain Data Management Intern

May - August 2018 • Piscataway, NJ

What I liked

I loved the mentorship program that gave me someone who I could go to whenever I need help or advice.

What I wish was different


One piece of advice I would share is that the internship is what you make of it. Take risks and set up 1:1s with people you want to be connected with. Step out of your comfort zone and try a stretch project. The overall internship is short so make the most out of your time there.
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EHS&S Global Product Stewardship Intern

June - August 2018 • New Brunswick, NJ

What I liked

I loved being able to network and learn about other departments and aspects of the company.

What I wish was different

I wish that there was more of an educational component in the beginning so that I could learn about the company.


To try and network and learn from others as much as possible while interning.
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Consumer Marketing Co-Op

January - July 2018 • Princeton, NJ

What I liked

I liked that Johnson & Johnson gave me the freedom to explore my interests. I always felt like they believed in me and was treated as an equal. This job prepared me for the real world and helped me find my passion for Marketing.

What I wish was different

I wish it never had to end!


Connect with as many people as you can! You never know who you will meet and where it will lead you unless you take the initiative to step out of your comfort zone and start a conversation.
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Consumer R&D Communications Intern

June - August 2018 • Skillman, NJ

What I liked

A perfect balance between professional development & hands on expereince in communications and PR.

What I wish was different

The communications position was brand new so many of the networking opportunities were not geared towards my field. The professional development provided by the intern program was very science based, but additional networking opportuntiies were easily avalibale if you sought them out.


J&J really emphasizes building relationships with those you work with. This position is a really great opportunity to gain expereince in your field and get advice/mentorship from professionals in your field.
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IT Intern

May - August 2018 • Raritan, NJ

What I liked

The environment of the company was nice. The employees were friendly and helpful. The superiors were helpful and allowed me to work at my pace. The day to day was flexible. I experienced what is was like to work for such a large corporation.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have been able to utilize more technical skills


When an opportunity like this arises take advantage of what it has to offer. Network with as many people as you can. Ask questions. Evaluate your interest level in the role after the experience.
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Research and Development Intern

May - August 2018 • Jacksonville, FL

What I liked

I loved the work culture at Johnson & Johnson Vision. The employees that I worked with were very helpful and friendly whenever I had questions. Furthermore, whenever I reached out to employees in other departments, they were always happy to meet with me to tell me more about what they do in their positions.

What I wish was different

There were certain times when I met with my manager, he would be intimidating and aggressive towards me through his tone of voice and language. I wish that he would have exercised better judgment in those occasions.


To take risks and that it is okay to mess up. Mistakes happen all the time and they provide for a great learning experience.
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Finance Intern

June - August 2018 • Skillman, NJ

What I liked

I liked having hands on experience in the business world. The projects I was given actually impacted the business and is still being used today.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more organization within the company. I ran into a few problems where I sought advice and results but did not receive either.


Ask questions and never be afraid to speak up. J&J is very open to new people and ideas.
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Finance & Sales Operations

June 2018 • Santa Ana, CA

What I liked

I loved the corporate culture of the company and the fact that I was actually working in very meaningful tasks and projects.

What I wish was different

Could not wish anything differently.


Fight for your dreams and work harder than everyone else.
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Technical Operations Co-op

August 2017 • Fort Washington, PA

What I liked

The opportunity to work on large projects that have a real impact on the company and have a meaningful contribution to those projects. Working with many different people, including those not in my department, allowed me to gain experience with and exposure to the many different aspects of the OTC pharmaceutical industry.

What I wish was different


Be proactive in building relationships with co-workers, managers, and employees in other departments.
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Research and Development Engineering Co-op

May - August 2017 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

I liked the amount of responsibility I was given and the importance of developing medical devices to save lives. Learning about the mechanisms and the anatomical applications was very interesting.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time in each of my three terms at Johnson & Johnson Ethicon. They flew by and there is a large learning period before co-ops can become effective and efficient.


Ask questions and push yourself out of your comfort zone on terms of amount and vigor of work you are completing.
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