Marmon Holdings, Inc.

Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I loved the freedom we were given as interns. We were given a tangible project and maybe some daily pointers in certain directions, but the approach was all up to us. I also enjoyed the small team I was in, as I felt I could communicate quickly with them and not have to go through many hurdles in communicating. The entire project was actually meaningful to the company and that gave all of us interns enhanced motivation and energy in completing the project because we felt our actions had real consequences.

What I wish was different

The commute was rather long to work every day, I wish I had gotten a location closer to work during the summer so I didn't have to commute so much, other than that, I really enjoyed my experience.


If you are stuck during the internship, don't be afraid to ask for help, and that perfection is the enemy of good enough. If you waste time trying to get things perfect, you will never complete all the parts of your project.
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