Resilience, Inc.

Outreach Manager

June - September 2021 • Geneva, Geneva

What I liked

I liked that it was remote and that the hours were flexible. The team I worked with that great communication using WhatsApp and Discord. The founder of Resilience inc is eager to help you to get closer to your career goal, and introduce d me to a United Nations affiliate, whom I work with now. The interview was also very casual which was comforting

What I wish was different

The weekly meetings were scheduled past 6pm which was difficult for me as I was working from Europe. The onboarding process was also rather tedious, and I felt a lot of pressure for deadlines and making my numbers despite being a volunteer.


make sure you talk about your future prospects during the interview, so they can assign you to a department suited to your interests and will help your future ! Good luck :)
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VR Game Developer

November 2020 • Usf, FL

What I liked

This internship has given me a lot of freedom with developing where I want/need to learn new skills in computer science/VR game-design. I really appreciate the accessibility and friendliness of the team as well, it's awesome.

What I wish was different

It was unpaid, but that's not that big of a problem in my eyes.


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Director of Marketing and Advertising

June - August 2021 • Tampa, FL

What I liked

The flexibility of the internship. Hours were on your own time.

What I wish was different

I wish that it was more organized and that it was paid.


Try to work with your team as much as you can! Realize everyone is human and that not everyone can work at the same time as you.
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Human Resources Manager

September 2020 • Tampa, FL

What I liked

I enjoy how I get more flexibility through my time working in the week, so this internship fits around my course schedule well. Everyone is very accommodating and understanding of students' busy schedules and they are willing to work around them, even my schedule changes throughout the week. I have gained skills that will be great additions to my resume and will help me gain jobs after graduation. I have enjoyed gaining new connections with various employees and my time here has been very informative.

What I wish was different

It would be nice to have this internship be face-to-face, but it is very well run for being a Remote-only organization. You can still make connections with the other employees and learn a lot through your time here, so remain open to this remote opportunity.


Keep yourself open to learning and jumping onto different projects. You can learn vital skills from this internship and remaining open to trying out different things can expand your experiences.
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Recruiting Manager

July 2020 • Tampa, FL

What I liked

I really enjoyed working with the Human Resources Department with Resilience, Inc. Everyone was very friendly, supportive, and allowed me to work through my summer class schedule. I was given the opportunity to work with the Recruiting Head Director and brought a vast number of interns and volunteers to this company. All these tasks and projects I was assigned helped me gain various skills that will really help me in my future career and just as a leader in general. Something I really found important and appreciated was that you're not just an intern and/or volunteer in this company, but you're here helping millions of people and you're assigned projects/task that directly help you gain experience, skills, and expertise that will aid in your passion and/or future career. Resilience, Inc. staff works close to each of their interns and volunteers with weekly calls that easily help you get through your projects and make you feel like you're part of a family.

What I wish was different

Although this is a 100% remote internship and I'm in a different state, I really wished the pandemic wasn't blocking so many opportunities, events that we could have had together, and had the chance to meet face-to-face.


-- Please be transparent with your time because that is KEY. If you have a lot on your plate one day, then talk to them and let them know you'll work on it tomorrow. trust me, they are very understanding and know how hard it can be to a college student. -- Always ask questions if you are confused in a given task or project because you will not get through it without clarification. -- Don't be a sponge. Although this is a remote internship, I still believe you should take this opportunity to meet and get to know other interns/volunteers in our other departments. You learn a lot about their roles and projects, plus they might be able to help you with your task!!
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Grassroots Outreach Intern

September 2019 • Tampa, FL

What I liked

It’s for a good cause

What I wish was different

The organization


Spreading thin isn’t always a bad thing
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