Swagelok Company

Valve Service Group Engineering Intern

June - August 2022 • Solon, OH

What I liked

I liked being able to see how my work on projects directly affected assembly operators. Having the ability to talk with the in-cell operators provided me with very helpful and important initial feedback. Hearing the different changes the operators would make then helped me to view the projects in a different light than I previously would have. After the implementation of different work center updates, I was able to see the positive effect that the changes had on the operators, making me more confident in projects that followed.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more of an opportunity to meet other interns within the company. Most of the time, you only interact with interns that are in the same department as you. Within a department, there are only 1-3 other interns that you work with, making it a very limited group. While there are events that one can interact with other interns at, they are sparse.


Do not be afraid to reach out for help. Many times during your internship, you will be tasked with a project that you may not be familiar with, which is fine because you are most likely new to the field. However, do not sit and hope that you figure it out. This will only put you behind on your projects. Go out and seek help from others, as there are so many resources within the company that are set up for your success. Most people you interact with at the company will be there to help you with their undivided attention because they want to see you succeed.
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HR Intern

May - August 2023 • Solon, OH

What I liked

The summer I had at Swagelok was full of opportunities that helped further my professional skills. In the HR department, I had opportunities to work with different teams, including the operations and corporate talent acquisition teams, onboarding, communications, and employer brand. I was challenged in my daily tasks, as well as in my project work. Not only was this summer challenging, but I made life-long connections and truly had a great time working with every individual I met in the 3 months.

What I wish was different


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Engineering Intern

June 2022 • Solon, OH

What I liked

First and foremost, I loved how welcoming Swagelok felt as an incoming intern. I was surrounded by people that wanted to see me succeed, and by people that helped facilitate my development as an intern throughout the summer. I loved the fact that I could walk up to anyone to ask for help, and I would be greeted with their full attention and effort. I was given meaningful and fulfilling projects throughout my time at Swagelok, which enhanced the experience as I felt that I was truly making a difference within the company. Lastly, I liked the strong leadership that was displayed within the company. I felt that my voice was heard when talking to supervisors at various levels. All in all, I was very pleased with how accepting Swagelok is when it comes to their employees and how dedicated they are when it comes to their products.

What I wish was different

One thing that I wish had been different is ironically a perk of Swagelok. I often times ran into the issue of needing a question answered, but having to wait for an email response because that individual was working remotely. Swagelok is a very flexible company when it comes to working remotely, but I found it difficult at times to efficiently complete tasks as I was awaiting responses. My tasks and projects required me to be in the office every day, whereas many other associates had the luxury of working from home. I imagine this issue is present just about anywhere you work, however. In addition, I wish that I had more time to complete all of my projects within this internship rotation. I feel that having 14 or 15 weeks, rather than 12, would allow me to go the extra mile with my projects, and seeing them completely through would make the experience more fulfilling.


The most prominent lesson I have learned through this experience is that an internship will only be what you make of it. It is your own responsibility to learn from the resources that have been provided to you. So, the advice I would give is to engage as much as possible. Take on several projects at once to the point where it becomes uncomfortable, but know your limits. Take time to meet your coworkers to truly see their personalities. Take advantage of company events and outings. In short, involve yourself as much as possible. To gain the most out of an internship, you must fully immerse yourself within the company.
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Assembly Engineering Intern

May - August 2022 • Solon, OH

What I liked

The culture was very supportive of my education. Everyone was willing to help me improve my skills or talk to me about their career. The products were also very interesting and I was able to interact with them directly.

What I wish was different

I think the HR side of the internship could have been better and showing the possible paths for employment after graduation. One session was held where post graduation employment opportunities, were covered. However, much of what the development program consists of was not covered.


Be a go-getter. Manufacturing environments are constantly running. Set goals and meet your deadlines. If you do that, you will be sure to be successful.
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Engineering Co-op

August - December 2021 • Highland Hts, OH

What I liked

My two main projects focused on improving manufacturing equipment. These projects gave me a better understanding of the equipment and products made at the facility I worked at. The projects were also more creative in nature which I enjoyed.

What I wish was different

I would have liked to have had a more diverse workload so that I could learn more about other products and equipment as well as to keep me more busy


Don't be afraid to reach out supervisors and coworkers to ask questions and check in with them to make sure you're getting the most out of your time
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Operations Planning Intern

May - August 2019 • Solon, OH

What I liked

My favorite part about my internship at Swagelok was how I was able to work on multiple meaningful projects throughout the summer and was able to shadow different departments.. I was able to see the whole supply chain of a large corporation which was extremely beneficial. Everyone at Swagelok is very supportive and helpful and all the interns became very close which made it a fun experience.

What I wish was different


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Summer Intern

May - August 2019 • Strongsville, OH

What I liked

I loved working with the engineers and machine operators to further of my understanding of how my project impacted the company as a whole!

What I wish was different

I wish I knew about my assignment a lot sooner than I did so I could more effectively look for housing that was in a reasonable distance.


If I could share anything from my experience, it's to have an open-mind, be patient, and ask any and all questions that you may have when you're fulfilling your work responsibilities!
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Maintenance Intern

June 2019 • Solon, OH

What I liked

I enjoyed working with the rebuild team on electrical and mechanical upgrades to their old machines. It was a good environment and a great experience.

What I wish was different



Working hard and being involved in the workplace makes you look good. It also doesn't hurt to ask to work more either in overtime or continuing your commitment there.
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Business Operations Intern

May - August 2018 • Solon, OH

What I liked

The professional development opportunity

What I wish was different



Take advantage of shadowing opportunities
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