
Co-op Scientist

April - September 2019 • Bristol, PA

What I liked

I liked working on a team of other scientists who heavily emphasized science and working together on projects. My supervisors/bosses were always willing to teach me about the chemistry of paint and the functions of different tests. I learned a lot about the industry as well as chemistry, heavily involved in projects for both testing and chemistry. There is always work to do so I was never bored, also the Coatings team was a delight to work with. Almost everyone was positive in giving us the best co-op experience, especially in good lab practices.

What I wish was different

One thing that stood out was that I wished I was more involved with the analysis of data. Although I would measure most of the data needed for the tests, I didn’t really get to see what differences were significant and why (senior scientists were responsible for this role). This wasn’t because of exclusion, but because the projects had a soft deadline and would try to get completed as soon as possible due to the extent of the project I was mainly working on.


I would share that never be afraid to ask questions - that being said, always ask why something is being done and what is trying to be measured.
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Research Scientiest

April - September 2019 • Bristol, PA

What I liked

I liked the other interns working at the company

What I wish was different

More work. I never had enough to do.


It would be a good first co-op for someone looking to get into research.
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Finance/Accounting Intern

May - August 2018 • Princeton, NJ

What I liked

Worked with SAP, Upper-level management was very open to meeting me

What I wish was different

It was a really disorganized program. I didn't have a project designed for me like most internships have, and my managers, and coworkers wouldn't keep me in the loop with regard to meetings. I had to fight tooth and nail to get work some days.


Come in with an open-mind, Work hard, and most importantly network.
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Reliability engineer intern

May - August 2017 • Augusta, GA

What I liked


What I wish was different



Ask questions
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