U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Cyber Intern

September - December 2019 • Washington, DC

What I liked

The networking opportunities, the type of work relating to my undergraduate studies, and the people I have been able to work with.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have had more work to do, I joined the team during the slow season.


Network as much as you can and always offer to help out, it doesn't matter if it is directly with your team or not.
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Strategic Communications and Social Media Intern

May - August 2019 • Washington, DC

What I liked

- Lots of hands-on experience with business and political problems - Staff was very friendly and willing to help interns - Had the opportunity to develop and execute my own large scale project - Fun events for interns to attend

What I wish was different

- More camaraderie between interns - More clarity on the specific details leading up to the internship (my hours, dress code, etc)


- You need to make the most of your experience and demonstrate your interest to learn new skills. If you show that you are a hard worker and you want to learn, you will be given better opportunities and more interesting work. - Don't be afraid to try and get involved on a deeper level with the organization. I had an opportunity to engage with an internal task force and I worked hard to get an invitation to join the task force. If I hadn't put myself out there, I would never have become the only intern on the task force that was dedicated to long term internal improvements to the organization.
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Media and External Communications intern

January - July 2018 • Washington, DC

What I liked

I really enjoyed working in a professional environment and learning from experienced public relation experts.

What I wish was different

I wished that I had been able to explore more departments and talk to more people rather than staying within my communication's circle.


Research the places you apply to and know their background and what they support.
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