
Business Services

May - August 2024 • Ripon, WI

What I liked

I really enjoyed the work culture. It felt like everyone worked as a team and chipped in whenever they could. Everyone was very nice and welcoming and were open to answering any questions I had. I enjoyed how every day it felt like there was something new I could be learning or doing and had many different impactful projects I could work on.

What I wish was different


Don't be afraid to ask questions or ask for help.!
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Yearbook Sales Intern

May - July 2024 • Overland Park, KS

What I liked

This whole experience has been amazing. In the duration of this internship, I have seen both personal growth and professional growth in myself. They provide many professional development opportunities and truly want you to succeed. If you are interested in departments other than the one your internship is in, they not only allow you but encourage you to engage and learn more about them. Part of what makes this experience so special is the people, everyone is so kind and truly want to help you succeed. I am so thankful to have had this experience and am forever changed for the better because of it.

What I wish was different


Don't be scared to ask questions, I learned so much this summer because I was constantly asking questions and everyone in the office is happy to answer them.
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Accounting Intern

May - August 2024 • Marceline, MO

What I liked

I have really enjoyed my accounting internship here at Walsworth this summer. The workplace environment has been welcoming and friendly. I feel like I really belong here. I have learned so much about the company, and I am grateful for all of the opportunities the company has given me.

What I wish was different


Take the opportunities given to you! Don't be afraid to ask questions; questions are a way of learning. Network and build connections.
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Human Resource Generalist Intern

May - August 2024 • Marceline, MO

What I liked

This internship was such an amazing experience for me, I can confidently say that I learned more in these past 2 months than I have in all 4 years of college so far. The culture at the Marceline North and South plant is amazing, I have felt welcome here ever since I walked in the door. It has been a very hands-on internship from the beginning, and I have jumped right into the world of HR in the best way possible. I don't think I could have gotten a better experience during an internship than I did with Walsworth.

What I wish was different

There's nothing I would have changed about this internship!


Ask questions and do NOT pretend to be someone you are not. Authenticity is essential in joining a company because sometimes your values and beliefs do not align with the company, and that's okay. Be confident in what you bring to the table and try to build those relationships with the short time you have.
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Production Support Intern

May - August 2024 • Ripon, WI

What I liked

There were a multitude of things that I liked throughout my internship. In my opinion, the most important was the work environment and people as a whole. Every day I walked in and felt welcome and like I belonged there even as an intern. I also enjoyed that there were many opportunities to learn something new each week! As a designer, I was worried coming into it that I wouldn't enjoy what I would be doing since Walsworth is the print side of design but I was happily surprised. I learned way more than I expected and am grateful to have a new insight into the other side of design.

What I wish was different


Don't be afraid to ask for help or ask any questions. I got to work throughout multiple departments because I asked to shadow somewhere else if I had any interest in it!
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Recruitment Intern

May - August 2024 • Overland Park, KS

What I liked

I loved the unlimited learning opportunities! Even though I was the Recruitment Intern working in the HR department, I was able to learn about other departments I was interested in. They provided many professional development opportunities from how to showcase our Internship on our resume and LinkedIn, as well as networking events and workshops for HR professionals in the area. The people and their purpose are what makes this company so amazing! Everyone was so welcoming and supportive. They were truly invested in you and your career goals. As a previous Yearbook staff member, it was amazing to work behind the scenes and be apart of a company that helps students create an amazing yearbook!

What I wish was different


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Copy Writer

May - August 2024 • Overland Park, KS

What I liked

I've loved the community of people I get to work with. Everyone is so kind and encouraging, and I really feel like I belong here. I also love my job overall, and I feel like I am constantly learning.

What I wish was different

Off the top of my head, there really isn't anything I would change or say that I wish was different, I truly really like it here.


Always ask questions; don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Everyone here wants the best for you, so let them teach you and do your very best.
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IT Intern

June - August 2022 • Marceline, MO

What I liked

I liked that I could finally see how an IT department works from the inside. You don't really have an opportunity like that at school. There are lots of people from many different backgrounds here who have many insights on how to get things done, and they're always willing to help.

What I wish was different

While I very much appreciate that I wasn't overwhelmed, I still would have liked a slightly more fast-paced approach.


Don't be afraid to learn and ask for help!
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Graphic Design Intern

May - August 2022 • Overland Park, KS

What I liked

I loved the workplace environment here at Walsworth. It has been positive and encouraging since day one! I have grown close with the other interns and my other co workers in the office and I am sad to leave at the end of the summer. I felt respected by everyone I worked with, and never felt like I was treated like 'just an intern.' I am proud of all the projects I was able to work on and am so lucky to have had such a great experience this summer. I don't want to leave!

What I wish was different

I wouldn't change anything about my experience! It has truly been great!


It is good to ask questions! The yearbook and printing industry is so fascinating and there is truly so much to learn!
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Corporate Marketing Intern

May - August 2022 • Overland Park, KS

What I liked

I can't think of one negative thing to say about this internship experience. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to intern with this company and be able to feel a part of the Walsworth family this past summer. There's nothing I would change about my experience here; the culture is incredibly welcoming and the family-owned characteristic of the company is mirrored in every single aspect of the job. The leadership always made me feel comfortable, heard and cared about - they are overwhelmingly compassionate, understanding and inclusive no matter the situation. My manager always checked up on me and made sure I was doing well with my projects and especially made extra certain I wasn't feeling overloaded with projects at any point. Perhaps the greatest takeaway of my experience with Walsworth was that they treated me like a true member of the family, not just some college student whose temporary job was to go on coffee runs and do the grunt work. They even had the interns help with the set up of our summer sales rep convention in downtown Kansas City, which was an experience I won't soon forget. I am extremely pleased to say that I have learned more than I could have ever expected and will take with me an invaluable amount of real-world experience as well as networking opportunities into my future post-grad life. I don't want to leave!!!

What I wish was different

Nothing, I truly wouldn't change a thing at all.


Having experience in the yearbook world definitely helped me a ton. Training and just getting acquainted with the terms of all things yearbook overall would have taken much more of my time away if I hadn't had the experience from being on my high school's yearbook staff. I think just having that background context, especially in the sales and marketing positions, is crucial to be able to get a head start and really immerse yourself fully into the internship program.
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Prepress Intern

May - August 2022 • Ripon, WI

What I liked

What I liked most about my internship experience is getting hands on experience working in Prepress and being able to learn from others in my department who have experience working in the department. I also have enjoyed the opportunity to make different signs for the company when called upon and being able to help them out on side projects. Overall, I really enjoy the people I work with and it has been a great fit for me!

What I wish was different

There is nothing I would want different about my internship!


Try to make the most of your experience by working hard and learning from other professionals and leaders and ask questions!
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Yearbook Sales Intern

May - August 2022 • Overland Park, KS

What I liked

I really enjoyed working at Walsworth. Everyone was so welcoming, kind and helpful. I really enjoyed receiving hands on experience and gaining experience in so many different aspects. I truly felt valued everyday.

What I wish was different

I can't think of anything I would have wanted to be different.


Ask questions, there is so much to learn!
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