WillowTree, a TELUS Digital Company

Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2023 • Durham, NC

What I liked

I enjoyed the team bonding activities between project teams and other interns. I also enjoyed having my own personal mentor by my side the entire summer for guidance in my work and career. The project I worked on was very enlightening into the real-world job field and it was very exciting and I learned many skills.

What I wish was different

I wish I had taken more time to learn about more things within the field by asking more questions and participating in more of the workshops they had available to us.


One piece of advice I would give is to ask any many questions as possible and to take on any opportunity to show your craft.
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Project Management Intern

June - August 2023 • Charlestown, MA

What I liked

I liked the hybrid work culture/environment, digital products I was working on, and the overall flow of the internship. As the only Project Management Intern, I was given the opportunity to work directly on projects with real clients and make valuable contributions. In addition, it was very helpful receiving mentorship from my two experienced managers. I was also given the opportunity to connect with people from all departments, receive support throughout the internship, and utilize the freedom to work in my own style. The encouragement and check-ins from my mentors provided me with the recognition in a work environment that I thrive in.

What I wish was different

At the beginning of my internship, WillowTree had fully acquired Maark (the digital marketing agency I was originally supposed to work for). Although the transition was an exciting time, it meant that the technology and correct databases were in transition as well. Thus, I was unable to access some resources until the end of my internship. On the bright side, I was able to witness a company being acquired in action and everybody remained super helpful throughout the process.


I advise to make the most out of this experience by saying yes to as many opportunities and reaching out to as many people as possible. The people at WillowTree are so welcoming and friendly, and leadership speaks to interns directly through a speaker series. I advise to take the chance to learn, network, and meet such hardworking people whenever you can. Do the work amount that feels best, because everybody (especially your mentors) are so understanding about how much one can handle. Try to find the balance between taking care of and challenging yourself!
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Product Intern

June - August 2021 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked

WillowTree has an amazing people-first culture. I could feel that everyone truly valued each other - rare in the tech industry. Great mentorship program for interns. I felt like I was treated as an equal and had many leadership opportunities.

What I wish was different

Wish I received more experience on the responsibilities I will be doing in my return offer.


Set goals for yourself early and give it your all - this company is full of passionate people and amazing opportunities - seize them!
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Software Test Engineer Intern

May - August 2021 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked

I liked how I got experience working professionally.

What I wish was different

I wish I fixed my sleep schedule.


It is okay to ask questions and say what you want.
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Software Engineer

May - August 2021 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked

Great work-life balance Meaningful work Good pay

What I wish was different

I wish I went into the office more


Go to the office as much as possible
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Software Test Engineer Intern

May - August 2019 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked

Willowtree is a company that pushes the envelope in many aspects. Whether it's creating an inviting work atmosphere, focusing on a culture of always learning new technologies, or just advocating for the employee as a person, the company makes one feel at home.

What I wish was different

Private work spaces would be wonderful. Teams work in an open office setting and as a result this can cause distractions to those working when passerbys talk to one another for example. This may be resolved by next year though since the Charlottesville branch will be moving into a new HQ.


Be yourself at Willowtree and never be afraid to push yourself professionally. Your peers at the company are wonderful people and only seek to help you do so.
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2019 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked

The culture, the people, the perks, and the office/location were all great!

What I wish was different


If you’re interested in learning from or working with anyone at WillowTree, just reach out! People are very willing to talk to you and/or collaborate.
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Software Test Engineer Intern

May - August 2018 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked

Everyone there was helping you learn as much as possible

What I wish was different



Try to meet a lot of people and get involved in as much as you can! There's a lot of cool meetings you can go to to learn more
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked

Great culture, lots of friendly people.

What I wish was different


Great internships are not only found in the big tech hubs.
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QA (Internet and Software)

May - August 2018 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked


What I wish was different



Enjoy what you do get a good mentor
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Solutions Architect Intern

May - August 2017 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked

WillowTree has such a people-first culture. I truly believe it's one of the best places to work in the world. I had the opportunity to meet with real clients and do real work. 10/10 would recommend working as an intern or full-time at WillowTree.

What I wish was different

Nothing. WillowTree is an amazing company.


There's problems and there are solutions to problems. If you want to be succesful, always be looking for the solution, as opposed to regurgitating why you can't figure out the problem.
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Marketing Intern

June - August 2017 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked

WillowTree has an amazing company culture in place that encourages participation, group working, and confidence in employees and interns alike. They make a point to value you, and constantly check in to make sure that their goal of valuing you is being achieved. They recognize that interns bring a unique value and viewpoint to their company, and they capitalize on it. (also all the free food)

What I wish was different



Don't be afraid to ask for more responsibility, or a different task! WillowTree recognizes that passion for a project yields better results
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2017 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked

Working at Willowtree was incredibly fulfilling and progressed my understanding of software development in an extremely meaningful way. I had a personal mentor who helped provide me with feedback and improve my coding skills to force me to be a better programmer. The interns bonded over lunches each week and at the end of the summer I was extremely sad to be leaving!

What I wish was different

Honestly nothing, this was an amazing place to work.


Prepare to work on things that you've never worked on before and use new technologies that you haven't seen already!
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